Thursday, May 22, 2008

Adalynn at Five Weeks

I think we finally had a break through tonight... but before I get too excited we will see how the night goes. Adalynn has slept SO WELL today, not been fussy at all, and seems so much happier. The colic got really bad and she screamed for pretty much two days straight and seemed to be in so much pain. The chiropractic seems to be helping and we also tried something called Natren Life Start for infants. Its a probiotic that helps their immune system and tummy problems. We started that yesterday and already see a huge difference. She is really starting to have a lot of expressions and make cute cooing sounds. Last night in her sleep she giggled, it was the cutest thing I ever heard. Tomorrow she will be six weeks old!!! Yikes.
We will be coming home June 28th and we will be there for three weeks. I cant wait to introduce her to all our friends and family!

I wanted to start out with this hilarious picture. Its not cute at all, lol, but thats okay, we know how cute she is.. we can have an ugly funny picture every once in a while.

Here are some great pictures Daddy took.

And some great pictures Mommy took :) These were taken while Addie had some play time in her crib. We tried out her mobile for the first time also, and she loved it!

Here are some pictures of Addie and Duane "talking" to each other.

Here is the great sling we got. Addie loves it. She always clutches on to it like this.

Here is Addie with her great great Aunt Anne.

Addie with Grandpa John.

Here is an awesome picture of Duane with his mom, Debi.

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Blogger skimferella said...


Adalynn is so beautiful. Kim just sent me the link to your blog. It's great to see pictures. I'm sorry we were unable to make it to your wedding. We moved to Nebraska. Are you living in Oklahoma?

My first child had pretty bad Colic. Sometimes I think she still has it...she is 10. Actually, she was very sensitive to everything I ate because I was breastfeeding...especially chocolate. I feel for you and hope that it resolves itself soon. It is so hard to hear a baby cry.

Cousin Kari

May 29, 2008 at 6:28 AM  

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