Friday, January 18, 2008

Ultrasound and belly pics

Here are all the ultrasound and belly pics we've done so far. I wanted to recap since we started the blog a bit late.

This was our first ultrasound at 6wks:

First belly pic at 8wks:

This picture was taken when I was about 15wks:

Here are her 19wk ultrasound pics:

And here are our 3D ultrasound pics at 19wks:

Belly pic at 20wks:

Me at 23wks:

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Gestational Diabetes

Well, I got the news yesterday that I have gestational diabetes. The three hour glucose test came back high, I failed two of the four tests. I had a feeling I might fail because of the symptoms I was having. I was avoiding learning too much about GD before I knew I actually had it, but now I need to start doing some more research. Now that I know I have it, all I'm concerned about is the baby. I don't care if I have to take my blood 20 times a day and eat poop, I will do it if it means she will be okay. Thats a bit extreme, but you know what I mean :)
From what I read, the things I worry about the most are:

passing the diabetes down to her
Her being a really big baby
diabetes showing up for me later in life
having to induce labor because of GD

I found out today that these are the next steps:

Thursday Jan. 24 @ 9:00 - teaching with dietician - 1 hour
Thursday Jan. 24 @ 10:00 - teaching with clinician - 1 hour
Tuesday Jan. 29 @ 8:15 - consult with Dr. Kong
Tuesday Jan. 29 @ 9:00 - Diabetes physiotherapist

I wonder if we will be paying cash for all these appointments since my medical hasnt been accepted yet? Probably.

Fun, fun. I will keep you all posted.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


I've been having this weird feeling like an horrible empty scraping feeling in my stomach. No matter how much or what I eat it doesn't go away and I get no satisfaction. I called my midwife cause it was starting to worry me. She wants me to go in the morning for a glucose test to test for gestational diabetes and she sounded worried. I really hope I don't have it and I'm really worried about it. I don't want to have to log what I eat and take my blood four times a day! I crave sweets so bad I don't know how I could just totally cut them out! If you're reading this, please pray!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Beginnings

Hello there. This is our first post and we are kinda excited about it :) There is a lot going on in our lives right now and we are very far away from everyone, so we figured this would be a good way to keep everyone updated and keep in touch.

We had a great time back in the states over Christmas. It was really hard to leave and come back to Vancouver. Now that we are back home things are going pretty smoothly. I'm off work and I'm enjoying being a "house wife" and keeping the place clean and having dinner ready for Duane when he gets home from work. I'm also enjoying getting some rest and keeping my feet up. My feet and ankles are starting to swell and its not fun!

Here are a couple pictures from our trip home:

Not sure what Kaitlin is doing with her neck right there, lol.

Hannah and Duane playing a game.

Duane loves books, books and more books!

Krista got my mom and dad grandma and grandpa bibs :)

Brooke and I at my baby shower.

Duane is currently working at his old home staging job, but hes actively looking for something else. They cannot guarantee him 40 hours and we need to be able to rely on that. He has the day off tomorrow and is going to spend some more time looking for a job.

We are still waiting and praying that my medical comes in time for the birth. Please help us pray for this. We've turned in everything and we just have to hope they accept us in time. Right now we are paying cash for all my appointments and ultrasounds and everything else.
The baby is doing great. She is moving a lot more and I can now see her move when I look at my stomach, so my new hobby is just sitting and staring at my stomach. I love seeing and feeling her move. She woke me up this morning with her kicks for the first time. It was mad non stop kicking for about ten minutes but then she stopped and I was able to go back to sleep. I hear that soon she will be keeping me up all hours of the night. We shall see. I just completed my sixth month of pregnancy and I'm starting my seventh month. I cant believe women are actually pregnant TEN months, not nine!

Here are some ultrasound pics of our baby girl:

This is a side profile of her face with her fists up by her forehead.

This is her cute little back and bum!

She sucked her thumb most of the ultrasound.

Those pictures were taken at our last 4D ultrasound when I was 19 weeks pregnant. I will close with one more picture. Duane and I were bored one night and wondered if Jet would let us put him in the baby bjorn. So we tried and and he LOVED it, he just hung there not even trying to get away. We were both laughing hysterically while we took this picture...

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